Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm Going-Going, Back-Back to Cali-Cali.....

JOSD - A quickie for ya me lass. A guy at work sent this to me and I have to share. This sum-ups life in LA. This is really a shining moment for West Coast creativity. Enjoy.

BTW - Need to check on that radio station. Love the Indie revival. Remember 106.3 in Eatontown, home of a pre-MTV Matt Pinfield? Featured in the first Real World with Andre from Reigndance? Sigh. There is amazing station in LA, that we have discussed, Indie 103.1. I believe at the ESWS conference 2007, we might have listened to it in our travels. I've heard Lush, Catherine Wheel, Happy Mondays, Pixes, Ride… the list goes on! You would love. It's a nice combo of new & old indie music. It’s really complete throw-back to watching 120 Minutes before we snuck out of your house to swim, drink cheap whisky, and dodge bats at Tara Swersie's house. Running from the Cops was a good time. Ah memories.

For sure, right-on, namaste,

Radio Goo Goo...Radio Ga Ga

Jill!!! I love it! You were sucked in by the power that is The Flip Cup! I too have surrenderd to that minx...so fun! My experience was during my clerkship and we had a softball game against the judges at the end of the summer. After the game the clerks started a game of flip cup...I was surprisingly good?! I used Twisted Tea (Don't judge...its delic!) and became the anchor of my team. Don't be ashamed...shhhh shhhh...it's ok...hush....Didn't Leslie have a quaters tournament in college?! I think I remember her saying they had t-shirts! I love that!

Oh and yes, "Whatever Gets You Through the Night" reminds me of you too! I need to put that on me i-tunes. Wonder what that recording session was like with J.Le and E.Jo? Was that song made during Lennon's "lost weekend" in LA when he split with Yoko for a bit? I will have to ask Will about that one. Check out this live at Madison Square Garden November of 1974 YouTube video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuVCc6Vat8U&feature=related

Speaking of great music, I was driving to work the other day and was flipping through radio stations because my normal NPR listen was practically making me drive off the road (yawn)...I happened to catch one of my all time favorite songs "Vapour Trail" (I'm not trying to be pretensious...they are Brits) by Ride! Who the hell plays that on the radio?!! I was thrilled of course and was trying to figure out why it was on. Sometimes I can catch good songs near Easton and Allentown because there are a lot of colleges there...but at this point I was pretty far into NJ. Turns out it is a station from Seattle called KEXP. There are plans for KEXP to somewhat merge with WNYE which is a public radio station out of NYC...hence why I heard it...read below from Wikipedia for further detail:

In August of 2007, it was learned that station management of a New York City public radio station, WNYE, was planning a radical overhaul of their programming, moving to an all music format. The plans, detailed in a February 11 2008 press release, are to partner with KEXP, and move to a simulcast and music format branded as "Radio Liberation."

On 24 March 2008, KEXP DJ John Richards'(a.k.a., John in the Morning) broadcast was heard on 91.5 FM in New York City for the first time as part of Radio Liberation. Radio Liberation is the collaboration between KEXP and Radio New York (91.5 FM) ) to introduce NY listeners to more independent music. The collaboration will simulcast one part of KEXP’s original broadcasting and three originally produced programs. John Richards’ morning show is the only program that will be simulcast on the dial in both Seattle and NYC. The other programs (Wake Up, Music That Matters, and Mo’Glo) will be produced specifically for Radio New York, but not available to Seattle or online listeners.

According to the Radio Liberation microsite, “this partnership makes it possible for KEXP to reach another 14 million terrestrial listeners in New York.” KEXP has a long-standing relationship with New York, broadcasting live from there a couple times a year. In addition to information about the project, the microsite includes a list of NY concert events, Song of the Day Podcasts, and album reviews.

Additionally, "beginning this June, John Richards will split time between Seattle and New York, broadcasting his show live from both locations throughout the year."

John Richards, who frequently creates playlists based on themes opened the first Radio Liberation broadcast with the following songs:
Pixies “Wave of Mutilation (UK Surf)” (his self professed favorite band)
Harvey Danger “Pike St./Park Slope” (Seattle band singing about Seattle and Brooklyn)
Death Cab for Cutie “Marching Bands of Manhattan” (NYC reference)

The show I actually heard was John in the Morning and it was fantastic. Really wonderful mix. It made my drive to work soooooooo much better AND introduced me to new bands AND reminded me of some old favorites. The man's favorite band is the Pixies!!! Need I say more?!

If near the New York area-you can tune in to 91.5. If not in the area (Jill!) you can go to their website to hear (it is streamed online)! Plus they list John in Morning's playlists! Such good stuff:


Monday, May 19, 2008

Whatever Gets You Through the Night…

Hoolia – (A throw back to the Spanish pronunciation of your name)

Love the ESWS conference pictures. Rumor has it that the next conference will be held in London because one of our dearest friends, one Ms, Jessica Walsh, will be moving there in June. I’m laying the groundwork!

Firstly, I have a few developments from two weekends ago. I went to a BBQ in honor of Dan, my man’s, birthday. He shared the party with three other birthdays and one flip cup tournament. So I had no idea how one plays flip cup since I’m in my thirties now and drinking games should really be a thing of the past. I went to this party with the intention of not playing – with a “I’m not new, I’m 32, get used to it” sort of attitude. Then after a couple of beers, I signed up for the game. Dan and I were on separate teams which proved to work in my favor – because not only did I win one game, my team won the whole tournament! There were brackets and all. I was thrilled at first, but then a part of me died inside because I realized I was playing drinking games at 32. I still quite enjoyed being a champion and having the bragging rights over Dan. Here is the rundown of Flip cup courtesy of Wikipedia: Flip Cup. The pic above is from the World Series of Flip Cup, Cafe Wha? Thank god for Wikipedia and all of the accurate/important information that is housed on their site!

Secondly, I just watched one of the most suspenseful movies, The Mist, a Stephen King joint. The screenplay was written by Frank Darabont, the gentlemen who wrote the screenplay for Shawshank Repetition. This movie was so incredibility stressful. The performances were amazing. The movie took place in one location but it was still really compelling. After viewing the movie I really needed to do some intense yoga breathing! Om, shanti, shanti. The ending was so unbelievably heart wrenching. Not a feel good movie at all. If you would like me to tell you how it ends call me. Truly exhausting!! I can’t stop thinking about it. I blame your next-door neighbor who went on a date with Stephen King in the ‘70s. Maybe that’s what put him on such a dark path! For the record, I love Stephen King. He does have a really good sense of humor, according to his columns in EWeekly.

Thirdly, I was listening to my iPod at my gym in West La and John Lennon’s Whatever Gets You Through the Night came on. Yes, as you know this song reminds me of you. Specifically, it reminds me of us in my kitchen on Fairmont Ave, listening to 102.7 FM when it was classic rock, with.our Spanish text books on our head. I believe there was some creepy gyrating involved as well. Maybe we were trying to learn a al the Sue Rodihan method – by osmosis. Either way, our study methods were in question but the memory is a good one.

Love ya lots,
Juanita (My Spanish Name – full circle)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ok I'll Stop Now...

More from ESWS Conference 2007

Meeting of the Minds!!!

Jill!!! I love it! Can picture us "pickin' it up" on the dance floor to that jingle many a time! So I realized that I don't think I ever showed you the pics from our East Said, West Said conference held in LA in September of 2007. Such fun times! We must plan the next one ASAP. My first venture into the wonderfulness that is LA. I loved every minute of it! The only thing I think was sort of a "Oh that's so LA" moment to an outsider was when we got manis/pedis/brows and I saw couples both getting pedicures and then a father and son getting manis and pedis! ha! Anyway, here are some of the pics. From Santa Monica to dins at Katana! Enjoy!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Can I get a Yo?


So much to catch-up up on! First off, what’s up with the creepy black Teddy Bear Karl? Who invited the couture bear anyway? S&M indeed! I'm thinking that this is some high fashion vision of Karl’s upbringing being played out under the guise of a fashion show. “The Teddy will wear black….” said Karl as he cooled his brow with his fan. So funny Juls.

Love Parker Posey and every character she plays. Did you ever see that movie Party Girl? It was out in the 90’s. Everytime I see her I think of that movie. It’s kind of quirky. This movie seems like it has such a great feel to it. I will have to add it to my Netfilx. Although, my Netflix queue is large and I still have the same movies from February. I’m feeling the pressure now that it’s May and all. I have Omega Man, with Charlton Heston, the movie that Will Smith’s movie I am Legend is based on and Nine Queens, this Argentinean heist flick. Must watch, have to watch.... just one…..

I like the whole ideas of issues of women in their 30. I’m feeling that lately myself. I went to Vegas last weekend, as you know. Hence the drunk come hither pic above! I am stilling feeling it in every inch of my body. I want to hook up an IV so I can hydrate for the rest of the week. While I was there I thought of you. We were out this club called TAO which consisted of many rooms filled with ladies in stilettos, too many bottles of vodka, and Asian ladies in bathtubs with rose petals. None those things made me think you, per your previous post there was this amazing block of hip-hop played, which is when I thought of you. One of those tunes was Black Sheep the Choice is Yours. Love all that music as well. Miss it. Where are the Tribes, where are the Arrested Developments, the Biggies, the Skee-Lo’s, well maybe not Skee-Lo or Coolio. Anyway I digress, per usual, when the “Engine, Engine, #9 on the New York Transit line” line played I raised my hand and dedicated the “if my train goes off the track, pick it up, pick it up, pick-up…” to one to J to the O to the D, that’s you.

By the way the Digable Planets broke up in 1996 and apparently they are more important then around other neo-rap groups because their website is a “.org". And yes I’m peace like that, check it out: http://digableplanets.org/


Jill, you must join me and my S & M style teddy bear on this glorious journey called LIFE!!! I insist! You do not disobey KARL...I shall pick you up at noon my sweet!
(That's KL in the back there...couldn't find a pic that was more of a close up with bear!)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Broken English

Jill! That is too funny about seeing K. He and her husband! Good timing on their part!

So I want to bring to your attention this wonderful movie I saw last Sunday called "Broken English" and starring one of my favorite actresses Parker Posey. She is definitely a friend in my head! It is written and directed by Zoe Cassavetes (father famous director John Cassavetes and mother actress Gena Rowlands who is in the movie)...Drea De Matteo plays Parker's BFF. Sigh. Loved it. Takes place in NYC and Paris. Focuses on Posey's character Nora Wilder, woman in her 30s who is figuring it all out. Enter charming French man who happens to be very easy on the eyes...Found this movie to be very touching. Deals with a lot of stuff us ladies in our 30s face. Loved the city feel to it...one main scene shows a spontaneous night that goes on forever. miss that! The movie has a very intimate feel with many one on one conversations. Give it a looksee and tell me what you think! I missed the way beginning but really loved what I saw! Below click link to interview with Parker Posey and Zoe Cassavetes about the movie: