Monday, May 19, 2008

Whatever Gets You Through the Night…

Hoolia – (A throw back to the Spanish pronunciation of your name)

Love the ESWS conference pictures. Rumor has it that the next conference will be held in London because one of our dearest friends, one Ms, Jessica Walsh, will be moving there in June. I’m laying the groundwork!

Firstly, I have a few developments from two weekends ago. I went to a BBQ in honor of Dan, my man’s, birthday. He shared the party with three other birthdays and one flip cup tournament. So I had no idea how one plays flip cup since I’m in my thirties now and drinking games should really be a thing of the past. I went to this party with the intention of not playing – with a “I’m not new, I’m 32, get used to it” sort of attitude. Then after a couple of beers, I signed up for the game. Dan and I were on separate teams which proved to work in my favor – because not only did I win one game, my team won the whole tournament! There were brackets and all. I was thrilled at first, but then a part of me died inside because I realized I was playing drinking games at 32. I still quite enjoyed being a champion and having the bragging rights over Dan. Here is the rundown of Flip cup courtesy of Wikipedia: Flip Cup. The pic above is from the World Series of Flip Cup, Cafe Wha? Thank god for Wikipedia and all of the accurate/important information that is housed on their site!

Secondly, I just watched one of the most suspenseful movies, The Mist, a Stephen King joint. The screenplay was written by Frank Darabont, the gentlemen who wrote the screenplay for Shawshank Repetition. This movie was so incredibility stressful. The performances were amazing. The movie took place in one location but it was still really compelling. After viewing the movie I really needed to do some intense yoga breathing! Om, shanti, shanti. The ending was so unbelievably heart wrenching. Not a feel good movie at all. If you would like me to tell you how it ends call me. Truly exhausting!! I can’t stop thinking about it. I blame your next-door neighbor who went on a date with Stephen King in the ‘70s. Maybe that’s what put him on such a dark path! For the record, I love Stephen King. He does have a really good sense of humor, according to his columns in EWeekly.

Thirdly, I was listening to my iPod at my gym in West La and John Lennon’s Whatever Gets You Through the Night came on. Yes, as you know this song reminds me of you. Specifically, it reminds me of us in my kitchen on Fairmont Ave, listening to 102.7 FM when it was classic rock, with.our Spanish text books on our head. I believe there was some creepy gyrating involved as well. Maybe we were trying to learn a al the Sue Rodihan method – by osmosis. Either way, our study methods were in question but the memory is a good one.

Love ya lots,
Juanita (My Spanish Name – full circle)

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