Friday, June 20, 2008

Teen Angst

Hiya Juls,

Thanks for the props on my pics. I'm so glad you "get" my art. You are truly a wonderful friend. I loved your post. Is very, um, Cali. I have heard of "Skinny Bitch". My boss was just talking about that book last week. Yes I do know a ton of vegans. I have tried vegan food here and there. The cookies sometimes are not that bad! Overall, I really feel like I should get on this "eat good things" train. Last night I had a bag of potato chips and a hot dog from 7Eleven. Truly gross! I do have a good excuse though. I had tickets to show in Hollywood that I went to right after work. I went to go see this hysterical theater piece. It is very appropriate to mention on a blog about two high school buddies. It's called Mortified. People form all walks of life,(In LA it was mostly actors), get on stage and read journals, letters, poetry that they wrote mostly when they were in High School. Brilliant! There was this one guy who wanted to be a white rapper in high school so he read his lyrics/rhymes aloud. His rap name was "The Usher". He was late to the game when he realized that the other "Usher" had taken that name. Then he changed his name to "Crey" which was his name "Corey" without the "O". Julie, so hysterically funny! You would love it. Get on the mailing list, when it comes to NYC you should go. It's inspiring me to come through my journals to see what embarrassing pre-pubescent pros are lurking about! You should too! Would you ever get up on stage and read your High School dairy?

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